Therapy Sessions For Diseases and Disorders

Therapy Sessions For Diseases and Disorders

Yoga Therapy Classes are conducted daily morning and in the evening. These classes are conducted under the team of yoga experts. Individual attention is given to the students and tailor made yoga sequence are taught according to their ailments and goals that they would like to achieve through the yoga practice.

Whether you practice yoga for weight loss, asthma, diabetes or just general health this class Is suitable for all levels of yoga practitioners from first timers to advanced yoga practitioners.

Yoga Therapy for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar depression is more likely to involve irritability, guilt, unpredictable mood swings, and feelings of restlessness. People with bipolar depression also tend to move and speak slowly, sleep a lot, and gain weight. In addition, they are more likely to develop psychotic depression – a condition in which they have lost contact with reality – and to experience major disability in work and social functioning.

Yoga Therapy- Yoga therapy for bipolar disorder can control one’s mood shift by bringing more awareness to the fluctuating moods. Practice of yoga brings awareness to the body and mind. The Practitioner learns that the moods or any sensation of the body and mind are temporary. One develops self-awareness that helps control some of their manic tendencies. Practice of asana can reduce depression, anxiety, anger and neurotic symptoms.

Yoga Therapy for Depression

It is not unusual that sometimes we are under the weather – feeling low and either unwilling or feeling demoralized to do anything. Some experience this feeling intensely over a relatively long period – weeks, months or even years – and without any apparent reasons either.

Yoga Therapy-
Stress can be a major factor in depression. Yoga helps in uplifting one’s mood and relieves stress. In yoga therapy for depression, one learns to stabilize and manage the mood.

Depression or stress affect one’s physical posture and body alignment. Asana practice has a great impact on stabilizing the moods. One learns to feel the connection between the body, breath and the mood. Inverted postures bring poise to the brain, which pacifies the central nervous system. Forward bending postures are soothing for the mind. Backbends cheers up one’s mood.

Yoga Therapy for Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus has become a common disease for people of all ages. Almost every country is fighting to control this and educating the society about it. Although the sufferers are growing in number, medical technology has advanced, but so would be the cost of the treatment. Yoga is the most holistic method to deal with Diabetes – both physically and mentally.

The major benefits of a Yoga practice include:
* Keeping one healthy and preventing from getting diabetes
* Preventing a person of pre-diabetic from progressing to Type 2 Diabetes
* Helping a diabetic from developing further in to a complicated disease.

In the longer term, Yoga practice keeps one healthy and free from any physical ailments. It also keeps the mind fresh and calm. As part of the practice, a Yoga practitioner changes his/her eating habits, thereby leading to a healthier life style. Consistent practitioners will notice an improvement in cardiovascular and kidney function, bladder control and other physical benefits. In summary, Yoga is a better way of creating harmony in our lives.

Yoga Therapy for Low Blood Pressure

The causes of low blood pressure can range from dehydration to serious medical disorders. Low blood pressure is treatable, but it is important to find out what the root cause is.

Yoga Therapy-
Asana and Pranayama keep the body system functional. Proper posture and breathing enhance the cardiovascular activity in the body. This in turn is responsible for proper circulation of blood and the Prana (vital energy).
Inverted pose increases circulation to the upper body, which increases pressure to the brain. Pranayama helps in the effective and uninterrupted supply chain in the whole system. This reduces the blockage in the arteries and veins.

Right pressure is maintained in the arteries ensuring a proper blood flow to all the vital organs like kidney, liver etc

Yoga Therapy For Back Pain

We develop back pain at some point in our lives due to injury, overuse or disease. Yoga is an excellent therapy for healing sore and injured back muscles, reducing recovery time, preventing re-injury, and reducing the risk of disability from back pain. Yoga helps alleviate lower back pain by strengthening and stretching the muscles of the lower back, reducing inflammation and increasing circulation of blood and prana.

Many conditions can cause back pain and most of these can be helped and treated with a conscious and gentle yoga practice. All cases of moderate to severe back pain need to be evaluated by a medical professional for a correct diagnosis and proper treatment plan.

Yoga Therapy-

A gentle practice of spinal lengthening, forward folding and back bending poses will circulate prana and blood to help heal a strained back and alleviate pain. Yoga poses that promote good posture, strengthen the abdominals and stretch the hamstrings will also be helpful.

Yoga Therapy for High Cholesterol

Everyone’s body needs cholesterol, but too much can spell trouble for some. Cholesterol is both our friend and foe.

Yoga Therapy-
Specifically, asana practice helps in toning the body and stimulates all the internal organs. For example, forward bending and inverted poses help improve circulation to the brain and heart. Backward bending and twisting postures massage the internal organs. Pranayama helps in improving the circulation and eliminates any blockage in the flow of energy.
Various changes to lifestyle are recommended for those with high cholesterol levels in order to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack.

* Eat a “heart-healthy diet”.
* Take regular exercise and asana practice, including meditation
* Avoid smoking
* Keep a healthy weight

Yoga Therapy For Migraine

Migraine is commonly known as a one-sided headache. It is a form of vascular headache caused by vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels) that gives rise to a release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around the large arteries of the brain. Enlargement of these blood vessels stretches the nerves that coil around them and causes the nerves to release chemicals.

Yoga Therapy-

The brain is the father and the heart is the mother of our body. The brain has to give the right command to all the parts in the body. In the case of migraine, there is a state of confusion in the function of the brain. Asana and Pranayama help the balance in the Ida and the Pingala Nadi. Nadi means river or flow. Nadis are the nerves system or the nerve channel, which distributes the flow of consciousness or the Prana (Vital or Life energy).

In addition, an average adult needs six to eight hours of sleep a night. Further, it is best to go to bed at a regular time. One must establish a daily routine with regular sleep patterns and regular meals.