Advance Asana

Handstand Pose

How To Do It:

From a standing split position, place your palms onto the mat directly below your shoulders and gaze at the space between your hands. Stack the standing foot directly below your hip with a slight bend in the knee. Engage your core and kick up with control, drawing the thigh up and into the hip socket to lead with the standing leg. 

Benefits of Handstand Pose:

  • Builds upper body strength
  • Strengthens core muscles
  • Boosts energy and mood
  • Increases circulation
  • Improves balance and stability

Twisted Floor Bow Pose

How To Do It:

From a sphinx pose, extend your right arm forward. Crawl your left arm over to the opposite side and come down onto your elbow. Make sure that the elbow is lower than your shoulder⁠. Curl your legs up and in as you reach your toes toward your back. Reach back with your right hand and grab hold of the left foot.

Benefits of Handstand Pose:

  • Stretches your front body and hip flexors
  • Builds strength in your back muscles
  • Opens your chest and shoulders

Crane Pose

How To Do It:

From Malasana or garland pose, place both hands onto the mat directly below your shoulders. Spread your fingers wide with the middle fingers pointing forward. Lift the pelvis up slightly and bend the elbows while rotating your forearms in towards your midline. Lightly press your knees high against your triceps, near your armpits. Gaze down toward the mat just beyond your fingertips.

Benefits of Handstand Pose:

  • Strengthens your entire upper body
  • Improves your core strength
  • Aids in digestion and detoxification of internal organs

Split Pose

How To Do It:

From Ardha Hanumanasana or half monkey pose, shift your torso up and place your fingertips directly below your shoulders. Flex your front foot and engage your quad to protect your knee. Begin to slide the back knee back and the front heel forward until your front sit bone makes contact with the ground. If it does not touch the ground, grab a block, a bolster or a folded-up blanket to prop it up. Square your hips as much as possible by rolling the inner thigh of the back leg up.

Benefits of Handstand Pose:

  • Strengthens and stretches your hamstrings, quads and groin muscles
  • Increases hip flexibility when practiced regularly
  • Stretches the lower back muscles